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Gabriella Govoni  

A Painter, Restorer and Scenographer, she was born in Cento where, at the local secondary school, she teaches Art.

She is an Art College and Bologna Fine Art Academy graduate, where she has been recognised as one of the best students in the Scenography Course. One of her theatrical projects was chosen by Bologna Fine Art Academy to represent them at the "Youth Scenography National Show" held in Rome in 1966. Subsequently, she has produced sceneries and costumes for theatrical works and dialectal plays, shown at Cento Municipal theatre, at Modena "Storchi" theatre and at other theatres scattered around the province.

One may choose to mention, amongst many: "I PIVIS A MASSUMADEGH" by Mons. A. Gessi, shown for the first time at Cento Municipal theatre, on the 7th January 1977 and then re-run in 1978 and 1984.

She makes her debut in 1970 and in 1973 she stages her first one-man show at Crevalcore (Bologna) earning remarkable success both from the critics and the public.

From 1985 to 1999 she has devoted herself mainly to the restoration of ancient paintings.



1973 Pigozzi Gallery, Crevalcore (Bologna)

1974 Graphis Gallery, Cento (Ferrara)

1977 Milan Art Gallery, Bologna

1978 Group  A Gallery, Cento (Ferrara)

La Faretra Gallery, Ferrara

Cassa di Risparmio Auditorium, Imola (Bologna)

Casalecchio pro loco Gallery (Bologna)

1985 Cultural Centre, San Pietro in Casale (Bologna)

2002 "GIOCHINMENTE leggermente", Library Dino Bonzagni Hall, Sant'Agostino (Ferrara)

2003 Sanrocco Contemporary art gallery, Cento (Fe)

N. Orsatti Hall, Pontelagoscuro, (Fe)

2005 RIFLESSI E PESCI ROSSI, Boldini's Caves, Ferrara

2008 ATREBATES, Art Gallery, Dozza (Bologna)

2010 Zanandrea Foundation-Artecento, Cento (Ferrara)


1966 Modena Art Lyceum Painting and Sculpture National Show

"The Youth Scenography" National Show, Roma

1973 Cento Painters Review, St. Roman Cloister, Ferrara

1978 GROUP A - "The Custom of Aesthetics", St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

1979 GROUP A - "The Denied Tomorrow", Painting Exhibition, St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

1980 GROUP A - "The Aesthetics Identity", Painting Exhibition, St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

1980 Second Art biennal, Città della Spezia

1981 Città della Spezia award

1983 PRACTICAL/ESERCISE", Painting Exhibition, Partecipanza Hall, Pieve di Cento (Bologna)

1994 ARTECENTO CLUB - Cento Painters Exhibition, St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

1995 ARTECENTO CLUB - Cento Painters Exhibition, St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

2000 "Circolo A. Bonzagni" Painting Exhibition, Pieve di Cento (Bologna)

"Circolo A. Bonzagni" Painting Exhibition, Castle of Rocca, Cento (Ferrara)

2001 "Circolo A. Bonzagni" Painting Exhibition, Partecipanza Hall , Pieve di Cento (Bologna)

"Circolo A. Bonzagni" Painting Exhibition, Ghetto di Cento (Ferrara)

"Christmas in the ghetto", Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, Cento (Ferrara)

"A. Bonzagni", Club Art Exhibition, Bondeno (Ferrara)

"A. Bonzagni", Club Art Exhibition, Castle of Rocca, Cento (Ferrara)

From  24/10/ al 3/11/2001 she participated, as Cento Council performing artist, in the international painting review held in the twin-town of Szèkesfehèrvàr in Hungary.

2002 RIFLESSIONI, Sanrocco contemporary art gallery, Cento (Ferrara)

2003 CARNEVALESCA, St. Lawrence Auditorium, Cento (Ferrara)

MULIEBRE, Sanrocco contemporary art gallery, Cento (Ferrara)

30X40, Sanrocco contemporary art gallery, Cento (Ferrara

2004 INCONTRI, St. Paul Cloister, Ferrara

Joint Exhibition, Sanrocco contemporary art gallery, Cento (Ferrara)

2005 Painting Exhibition, Club Art, Modena

2007 Arte&Città "Un due tre per le vie dell'arte", San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bologna)

2008 Noicento, Cento (Ferrara)

2010 Alberi&Angeli fuori, O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2011 "L'invetriata (andata e ritorno con Dino Campana)", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2012 Attilio Bertolucci poeta, O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2013 Giorgio Bassani "Ferrara è la mia stanza", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2014 Torquato Tasso "Tasso liberato", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2015 Giovanni Pascoli "Ciuli rondini rondini anch'io", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2016 Michelangelo "Un giorno che sia mio", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2017 Antonio Bodrero "Sarvan", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2018 Giuseppe Bellosi "Buio", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara

2019 Bruce Springsteen "Across the border", O STAGIONI O CASTELLI ARTE, Ferrara


First prize: "Tersicore d'oro" National Painting Competition, Lucca

Ex aequo first prize: "Contemporary Second Art biennial", Minerbio (Bologna)

First prize: "United Europe" International Painting Competition, Salsomaggiore (Parma)

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