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Gabriella Govoni graduated from the Artistic Lyceum and the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and distinguished herself among the best students on the Scenography Course. One of her theatrical projects was chosen to represent the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna at the "Young People's International Exhibition of Scenography" held in Rome in 1966.
Since then she has worked with several theatrical companies, as Compagnia Teatro del Reno and Circolo Filodrammatico dipendenti Cassa di Risparmio, designing the scenes and costumes for various theatrical plays and dialectic comedies, performed at the Municipal Theatre in Cento, the Storchi Theatre in Modena and other provincial theatres.
Here are some sketches of her works.

1977  I Pivìs a Massumàdegh  by A. Gessi, direction of Paolo Chiarelli
1977  Bertoldo a corte  by M. Dursi, direction of Paolo Chiarelli
1977  Oh che mama!  by M. Rizzoli, direction of Paolo Chiarelli
1986  Al dè dlà vecia  by L. Pedrini, direction of Giancarlo Mandrioli
1987  Come si rapina una banca  by S. Fayad, direction of Paolo Chiarelli
1987  As partès par al Piàmont  by A. Ramponi, direction of Adele Ramponi
1990  Al fiòl èd Cavecc  by A. Lucchini, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
1991  Una zia di troppo  by B. Thomas, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
1993  L come sciroppo  by M. Hennequin, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
1996  Figli si nasce  by N. Curcio, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
1998  I Cornazzani in Giubileo  by A. Govoni, direction of Annio Govoni
1999  Galeotta fu la cura  by A. Govoni, direction of Annio Govoni
2002  E Franco indù èl?  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2003  Il settimo si riposò  by S. Fayad, adapted by G. Mandrioli, direction of P. Roncaglia and P. Chiarelli
2003  Il complesso del Bigliettaio  by G. Feydeau, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2004  Maridères che tribulaziòn  by G. Feydeau, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2005  Dài e dài la zivòla dvénta àj  by J. Chapman e R. Cooney, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2006  La profezia del Megh Bastacsia  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2007  Ma aloura l'è al fiol ed...  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2008  Quan al cos i an d'ander a la strapi  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2009  Un moc ed bajuch  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2010  La Presidentèsa  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2011  Berenice  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2012  Al process dla sgnora Amalia  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2013  Un persian dla Piv  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2014  Un marè per set don  adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2015/2016  Lè soul un moment acsè, adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2016  A s'ègh sènt in t'al Palazòn, direccted by Luisa Ramponi
2017  La cena dei cretini,
adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2017/2018  Figli si nasce,
adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2018/2019  Per fortuna che a ghè Nemo,
adapted and directed by Annio Govoni
2019/2020  Azident a cla firma,
adapted and directed by Annio Govoni

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